Exploring Ethical Dimensions of Islamic Insurance: Implications for Market Acceptance in Malaysia


  • Lukman Olorogun Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Malaysia Author
  • Jamal Othman Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, Malaysia Author


Islamic Insurance, Takaful, Ethics, Market Acceptance, Non-Muslim Markets, Transparency, Accountability


The exploration of ethics within Islamic insurance, or Takaful, is a significant endeavor in understanding its fundamental principles and implications for market acceptance and consumer perception. This study delves into the perceived existence and application of ethics in Islamic insurance, particularly in the context of its potential acceptance in non-Muslim markets. The findings of the study reveal that the ethics purportedly associated with Islamic insurance are primarily rooted in religious values, making them potentially challenging for non-Muslim markets and consumers to readily accept. This highlights an important consideration regarding the cultural and religious underpinnings of ethical frameworks and their compatibility with diverse market environments. Moreover, the study suggests that the perceived ethics within Islamic insurance may be more superficial in nature, with limited tangible effects observed in the utilization of funds or operational practices. This raises questions about the practical implementation of ethical principles within Islamic insurance institutions and underscores the need for greater transparency and accountability in aligning actions with stated values. In light of these findings, the study offers recommendations aimed at enhancing the market penetration and acceptance of Islamic insurance, particularly in non-Muslim markets. One key recommendation is the adoption of an effective rating or pricing system, which can serve as an alternative approach to gaining acceptance in diverse market segments. By demonstrating competitive pricing and value proposition, Islamic insurance providers may be able to attract a broader base of consumers, including those outside the Muslim community. Additionally, the study emphasizes the importance of establishing ethical charging practices that align with Qur'anic contractual agreements. This involves ensuring fairness, transparency, and adherence to ethical principles in all aspects of insurance operations, from pricing and underwriting to claims settlement and customer service. By integrating ethical considerations into the core practices of Islamic insurance, providers can enhance trust and credibility among consumers, irrespective of their religious background. This study contributes valuable insights into the dynamics of ethics within Islamic insurance and its implications for market acceptance. By addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with ethical principles in insurance, policymakers and industry stakeholders can work towards building a more inclusive and sustainable insurance market that serves the needs of diverse populations while upholding the principles of fairness, integrity, and social responsibility.







How to Cite

Olorogun, L. ., & Othman, J. . (2021). Exploring Ethical Dimensions of Islamic Insurance: Implications for Market Acceptance in Malaysia. Journal of Business and Economic Options, 4(1), 25-31. http://resdojournals.com/index.php/jbeo/article/view/168