The Role of Web Marketing Tools in Enhancing Small Business Competitiveness in Punjab
Internet Marketing, Small Entrepreneurs, PunjabAbstract
Information technology tools, particularly the internet and web marketing, have become pivotal in broadening the scope of marketing activities for businesses of all sizes. These tools provide an efficient platform for reaching a wider audience, increasing brand visibility, and enhancing customer engagement. This paper aims to explore multiple facets of internet marketing within the context of small entrepreneurs in Punjab. Specifically, it seeks to assess the level of awareness these entrepreneurs have regarding online marketing tools, the advantages they can leverage from using internet-based marketing strategies, and the various challenges or limitations they encounter in their efforts to implement these strategies effectively. By examining these factors, the study hopes to provide insights into how small businesses can better utilize digital marketing platforms to compete in an increasingly global and digital marketplace, while also identifying areas where support or intervention might be necessary to address common issues they face. Several statements highlighting the advantages and challenges of internet marketing were formulated, and respondents were asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with each statement using a five-point Likert scale. This scale ranged from strong agreement to strong disagreement, allowing for a detailed assessment of their perceptions regarding both the benefits and obstacles associated with online marketing. The Kruskal-Wallis test was employed to identify significant differences among respondents from various industries, age groups, and turnover categories concerning their views on the provided statements. This non-parametric test was conducted with a significance level of p = 0.05. Statements with a p-value of less than 0.05 were deemed significant, while those with a p-value higher than the threshold were considered insignificant. The findings indicate that businesses in sectors such as bicycles and bicycle parts, as well as leather and leather products, are not utilizing the internet for marketing purposes. Additionally, it was revealed that the majority of respondents recognize the advantages of internet marketing for their business operations.