Evaluating Awareness and Attitudes Toward Tuition Fees in Higher Education


  • Emerson Jackson School of Public Service and Goivernance, Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Ghana Author


Tuition Fees, Educational Finance, Student Attitudes


The paper aims to contribute to the field of educational finance by evaluating students' attitudes towards the payment of tuition fees. The research adopts a quantitative design and surveys marketing students at Sunyani Polytechnic, selected through a convenience sampling method, with a total sample size of 149 students. Data were analyzed using percentages and one-way ANOVA through SPSS. The findings reveal that students’ knowledge regarding tuition and user fees is generally low. Many respondents were unaware that they are not required to pay tuition fees due to constitutional provisions. Despite this lack of awareness, respondents expressed a belief that it is appropriate for students to contribute to the financing of their education. However, they showed reluctance when it came to paying tuition fees directly. This highlights a gap between students' understanding of education financing and their willingness to bear additional costs, indicating the need for better communication and education about funding structures in higher education. Parents of students are seen as the primary financiers of their children's education. However, students often experience inadequate funding, leading to stress and anxiety that negatively impacts their ability to concentrate on their studies. The findings indicate that respondents are generally unwilling to pay tuition fees, and many believe that the current user fees are already too high. The main sources of funding for students' education come from remittances provided by parents, friends, or relatives, as well as scholarships. For those who benefit from educational loans, the funds are primarily spent on their courses and living expenses. Given the significance of these findings, it would be beneficial to replicate this study in other departments within the school and at other tertiary institutions to determine if the results are consistent across various academic settings. Since parents play a crucial role in financing education, future research should focus on assessing parents' attitudes towards tuition fee payments. This could provide valuable insights into the broader dynamics of educational finance and help policymakers better understand the challenges and expectations associated with funding higher education.







How to Cite

Jackson, E. . (2023). Evaluating Awareness and Attitudes Toward Tuition Fees in Higher Education. Journal of Policy Options, 6(2), 19-27. https://resdojournals.com/index.php/jpo/article/view/312